Challenges to Combat Human Trafficking in India and Its Neibouring Countries

Author Name

Saransh Chaturvedi

Author Address

B.A.LL.B from Law School, BHU And currently in Vth Semester. saransh sahab


Business, Trade, Criminal Organization, Law Enforcement, Local Community, Non-Governmental Organization, Migration officers, International Relations


The business of different aspect is so increasing that no one is left out it. Whether it may be Human Beings too? The trade of human being is so increasing for different purpose be it like for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labour, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others. It is so increasing that human trafficking represented an estimated $31.6 billion of international trade per annum in 2010. Human trafficking is thought to be one of the fastest-growing activities of trans-national criminal organizations not only in India but also to other countries of the world as well. What can be the biggest challenge to this is the fact that only enforcing the law cannot answer all the questions. Effective law enforcement response also depends on the participation of all levels of society, from local communities and non-governmental organizations to migration officials and prosecutors. Giving some power to the local community is the most important in the current perspective and successful law enforcement intervention requires rapid, sustained response. After initial interviews of suspected victims, witnesses and where possible, perpetrators, investigators begin collecting information and corroborating evidence to b


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