Contribution to Global scientific research: How does Diaspora differs from Home?

Published Date:   Saturday, Feb 20, 2016

Contribution to Global scientific research: How does Diaspora differs from Home?: Prof. AparnaBasu

Using scientometric methods to chart the contribution of migrant Indian scientists to global scientific research in the last decade, through their publications (journal articles) listed in the Science Citation Index, Prof. AparnaBasu and Dr. Vivek Singh in their joint research estimate that the number of papers contributed annually by the diaspora is of the same order as that by Indian scientists. However,  there are major differences in the quality of journals where the papers by these two groups are published. There are also significant differences in the research areas addressed, Indian scientists publishing more basic research and the diasporapublishing more in applied and technologically advanced areas. We also chart the participation of migrant Indian scientists in highly visible research by examining papers by Nobel prize winning scientists.

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