India-EU collaboration- A positive step towards growth

Published Date:   Wednesday, Sep 27, 2017

ILO, European Organization and International Centre for Migration Policy Development collectively hosted the India-EU Cooperation Dialogue on Migration and Mobility at New Delhi on 26th September 2017.  On this occasion, the director of ILO Decent Work team, Ms. Panudda Boonpala discussed about the importance of India-EU collaboration for migration and its way forward. She mentions that there are several reasons for migration including employment, asylum, family members, studies etc. Whatever might be the reason for migration; there are several positive implications for the same. Migration fosters business, contributes towards GDP, enrich communities socially as well as culturally etc. Because of the necessity to reap in these positive dimensions and mitigate the negative dimension, India and EU collaborated which is a positive step, well appreciated by ILO. She established the role of ILO in this collaboration where she mentions that ILO facilitates dialogue, research and policy advices based on global practices. They put together the dimensions to share perspective, ideas and learn from them. Recognizing the fact the migration is a complex issue which needs systematic approach, the expertise of India and EU is looked upon as a ray of hope to move forward in the path of growth and development. 

Report by Tasha Agarwal

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