E-diasporas: Atlas for the world wide diasporas

Published Date:   Friday, Nov 02, 2012


A comprehensive world map of diasporas is created by a group of researchers published by the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Paris.  initiated in 2003, brought together 80 researchers from around the world who studied over 8,000 websites linked to diasporas. This is an ongoing project, with new e-diasporas emerging as immigrant communities find a voice online. Since 1990s the development of web has facilitated the long distance interaction in an unprecedented way. The development of web based networks such as website and social network such as blogs, facebooks provides interactive space for the diasporas to associate and share information related to their social, economic and cultural needs. The web based interactions have produced a vast, moving e-corpus, whose exploration, analysis and archiving have never before been attempted.

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