Call for Working Group Proposals

Call for Working Group Proposals

The  Zolberg Center on Global Migration calls for proposals for working groups/labs, for the 2014-2015 academic year. Groups can request up to $5000 as seed funding for their project.
DEADLINE: May 30, 2014, to [email protected]
We envision these working groups as collaborations amongst faculty and students, which may include speakers, visitors and/or participants from outside the New School. The proposal should be no more than 800 words. Please include: rationale; goals; director or co-directors (this can any combination of students and/or faculty) possible participants; a budget, and most importantly, what you expect as final outcomes or products (research piece; report; literature review; working papers; graduate student papers; multimedia piece; pedagogical initiative; etc).
While we welcome proposals in any form, here are a few possible formats:
  1. Research Clusters
  2. Intellectual Development
  3. Creative Collaborations
  4. Film or other Multi-media Series
Research Clusters involve collaborative work with the goal of producing new research on a common theme bringing together faculty from different divisions. For instance, the Memory and Migration group is one such example. Members of the group carried out fieldwork together on related themes, they have organized public events and a 3-day workshop to discuss their research and develop it into a book or journal special issue.
Intellectual Development involve a set of participants (including faculty and students) engaged in reading texts and having a sustained, interdisciplinary conversation on a set of themes related to the Zolberg Center’s mission. This could also involve inviting the author of a text to come speak to the group, or to present a work-in-progress that the group then discusses. The group could itself be a works-in-progress group, and produce literature reviews, or working papers.
Creative Collaborations are the most open format, offering the opportunity to bring together faculty, students, artists, designers and/or activists to explore some common project, method, approach or theme: i.e. intersection of design and politics on the topic of mobility; the issue of incarceration/detention centers; interrelated movements of people and things; etc.
Film/Multi-Media Series would involve curating a film or multi-media series about migration, mobility and immobility, borders, refugees, sovereignty, belonging, etc. This could involve experimental work, works-in-progress, or could be a combination of established and new work.
Our mailing address is:
Zolberg Center on Global Migration
The New School for Social Research
6 East 16th Street
New York, NY 10003



Time and Place:

Date:   Friday, May 30, 2014
Venue:   Zolberg Center on Global Migration
Address:   Zolberg Center on Global Migration The New School for Social Research 6 East 16th Street New York, NY 10003
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